Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 43: Half empty? or Half full?

All day today I felt like I was running on at least half empty. I had a whole bonus weekend day ahead of me and I did NOTHING. I never got to the mounds of laundry in the bedroom, and I never even unloaded the dishwasher. It was a pure lazy day. I did go to the gym, but my workout was at the same intensity as the rest of my day. I just didn't feel motivated to keep up with the beat in the song or to push through the leg pain of the higher intensity. I just felt blah. I made it through the 60 minutes... begrudgingly.... I wasn't even remotely in the mood to work out today, but I figured if I was going to take the rest of the day off, that I should at least work out. Even if it was at a half-assed rate. I spoke to my trainer last week about 60 minutes on one piece of equipment vs. 20 minutes on 3 pieces of equipment. She basically said as long as I keep moving it doesn't really matter. The goal is to be successful, and if I know that I will get too bored doing the same thing for 60 minutes, then switching it up every 20 minutes is fine. Even with that knowledge today, I felt like I was dragging. The first 20 minutes on the elliptical felt like 2 hours. It was a Christmas miracle that I even finished. Eh. I don't know how much today's workout will really count, so just in case, I stayed within a 1200 calorie count today- it helps when you don't get out of bed until 11! I guess we will see tomorrow morning how the numbers pan out.... and if by some miracle I do just as well or heaven forbid BETTER than a normal week.... well, let's just say I'm going to have a very difficult time trying to convince myself to go back to 6 days a week in the gym! Think thin thoughts!

43 days down...137 to go!

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