Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 35: Down with the sickness

No, thankfully not literally. I'm sure that's coming soon though, but for right now I am avoiding any illness like the plague. I'm avoiding that too. I'm talking about the calorie count sickness... and I have it bad. I have the fever (and yes, the only cure is more cowbell.......). Let me explain. I'm counting calories. Duh. I'm just over a month into this time, but I have done this before. I have also had this sickness before too. The sickness is mentally calculating calories for others as I watch them eat. Now, I don't do this all the time, so don't panic if you have recently eaten with me. But I found myself doing this today while watching Grey's Anatomy. There is poor Lexi Grey, pouring her heart out and scarfing down Reese's PB Cups.... and all I could think about was "don't you know that each one of those is around 75 calories!!!!????!!!!!" Granted, this girl could afford to eat a bag or two of them, but that is not the point. Part of me was SO jealous that she was eating them without care (yes. I DO realize its a tv show, and she is probably spitting them out, or puking them up off camera, but again, NOT THE POINT) and the other part of me wanted to just scream "YOU JUST ATE 600 CALORIES IN THAT ONE SENTENCE!" Yes. I have the sickness. Thankfully, I kept my comments to myself because A) I'm not totally insane and 2) I do NOT need to become my grandmother already and yell at the screen while watching tv. At least I don't do it all the time yet.....

Other than my insanity, not much else has changed. I was able to pretty much stay within my lower calorie count today to try to make up from last night's dinner. I have no idea what the scale will say tomorrow during the weigh in.... hopefully it's at least what it was on Tuesday, but again, since I weighed in a day late as long as my numbers don't increase tomorrow I should be ok. At least that's what I'm telling myself.....

35 days down...145 to go!

1 comment:

  1. I am no longer eating anything with you around. Just sayin.
