Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 39: Friday EVE

Otherwise known as Thursday- although if you ask me, "Friday Eve" sounds a lot more glass half full don't you think? The only real problem with a Friday Eve (other than the fact that it ISN'T Friday) is when you THINK for several hours that it IS Friday. How depressing. Nothing like looking forward to the weekend and then realize there is still another whole day to go before you get there. Sigh. Welcome to my day! Since it IS only Thursday, it makes sense that I am still so sore that I held up an entire line of elementary students trying to get out to car line today. Haha. I somehow morphed into my grandmother thanks to a 30 minute intro session. That does NOT bode well for what lies ahead. Since it was a physical strain to go up or down stairs, bend to pick anything up, or heaven forbid do anything that involves a squatting motion, I clearly did not work out today. That's 2 "recovery" days. Sigh. I don't feel like I have the luxury to take 2 days off in a row like this. I can deal with 1, but 2 makes me feel like the weight is going to creep back on before my very eyes. I was however under my calories today, thanks to a delicious dinner prepared carefully by John. Tomorrow, no matter how much I look like I am channeling an old lady, I WILL go to the gym. Probably. "Quitting is forever. Pain is temporary". Thank you random man on the History channel for those words of wisdom as I was writing this and needed some inspiration. As long as I don't quit I will be ok. Even if I don't win the game, I will win MY war!

39 days down...141 to go!

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