Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 23: "Snow Day". Neither snow, nor just one day. Discuss.

Today I had the priviledge of having my very first snow day... without any additional snow! AND just in case I wasn't able to get it right today, I get to practice again tomorrow! Wahoo!!!!!!! Being in the house all day does have it's downfalls however.... and today I realized I was not the only one feeling this way. In fact, a facebook friend of mine posted this earlier, "Dear West Coast Friends- I hate you and your perfectly normal weather and environment. Think of me gaining 123432334 pounds due to being stuck in my house for days while you are out at "beaches" and "beer gardens" and "running daily errands." And the only witty comment I could think of for this was, "agreed". 

I have been pacing the house all day (in my pjs thank you very much!) from the kitchen to the couch and back again. True, I did take a detour once or twice, but for the most part, my only exercising has been the 3.4 steps it takes to walk from one to the other and back again. Wait! I also stretched a few times by reaching for food on top of the fridge or on a high shelf in the pantry. Whew. What a workout! I'm sure that burned a whole calorie! Combined! Now, as I said yesterday, I will no longer be counting my workouts as negative calories, so don't worry, you wont see that whole one calorie show up as my exercise for the day! But I digress. I have done my very best not to eat my weight in cheez-its and teddy grahams today. These things are great when I can count them out, put them in a ziplock bag, and head off to school. There is no way to over eat or consume the whole box and call it "lunch". But today.... today when the high was -2 and there was no way I was leaving my house, I SWEAR I heard those teddy grahams whispering and laughing and taunting me.... which should shy me away from the box altogether... but you know what I mean! The good news about being in the house all day is that I was unable to drive to the local delicious drive thru. Although the I think pizza place number is starting to conspire with the "grahams" and "its"..........SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

23 days down...157 to go! (and 1 more day of being in the house with the whispering snack foods!)

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