Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 29: Who needs skinny jeans....

...when you have a whole closet full of skinniER jeans!? Today, I did something I haven't done in a while- I attempted to put on jeans that I KNOW are too small. I did this not because I am a masochist, but because I needed to know if my body really was changing despite not seeing huge results on the scale. Rumor has it, that 12lbs = 1 pant size. I needed to know if this was true.(dont get excited... I havent lost 12lbs...I just needed to see if I was making ANY progress at all....)  Of course, I picked jeans that are the same "size" as the ones I fit comfortably into, but because they are an entirely different brand, they are at least a size or so smaller than what the label says. At the beginning of all this, I wasn't able to even pull these pants of death over my thunder thighs.... today, not only did I surmount the thighs, but I was able to climb Mt. Hugeass and actually button them! Now, they weren't even close to looking ok, and I will NOT be wearing them out of the house for a very long time, but I pulled them up. And let's face it, that is way more than half the battle! Either way, tomorrow is another day, and I will hopefully be one step closer to the end goal. I am taking a day off from the gym tomorrow A) because the roads are going to be so horrible that I will burn plenty of calories just from having my heart pump out of my chest during the drive to and from work and 2) because my legs officially feel like jello. I think that is a sign that I need a day off!Yup. Immabe thinkin'.......

29 days down...151 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Lol funny u wrote this because i did this the same day you did! I wonder why i even bothered to try on jeans that were too small to feel like a sausage link. Lol
