Sooo I just realized I never blogged last night. I was in a crappy mood and didn't feel like doing much of anything other than sulking so that is probably why this didn't get done. Here is the RERALLY shortened version:
1. I have GAINED 2 lbs since last Monday. Isn't that special? At this rate, not only will I NOT be at -20lbs by the time I get on the plane, but I may be closer to +20lbs. Ok. Probably not. But it sounds much more dramatic that way.
2. I hate the gym. Yes still. I even tried going to a new location yesterday. One that looked BEAUTIFUL. And it sucked. I have never seen such a poor layout in any building. Locker rooms WAAAAAAAY on the other side of the gym so you have to walk in between people groaning and grunting and flinging sweat everywhere. (Although it did allow me to see the guy with the house arrest ankle monitor. That made me chuckle. I mean why would you wear SHORTS if you had an ankle monitor???) The group X room was elevated just enough so that when you walk past the glass wall (of course) you get crotch shots. Ridiculous. I will NOT be going back there any time soon.
3. I need Kettle Brand BAKED Salt & Vinegar chips. NEED THEM. I have been to the 2 places where I used to be able to buy them and they don't have them. I bought white cheddar instead.... I need S & V.
4. I am TERRIFIED that I am going to be a crappy wife. I'm not going to get into it, but I'm terrified.
5. All these things are what put me in a crappy mood. Especially 1 and 4. Hopefully today will be a better day. Hopefully.
72 days down...108 to go!
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