Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 65: The day after Manic Monday

must be Torture Tuesday. That's right, another kick my ass trainer session at the gym. Today was one of those hidden gem workouts where it didn't feel SO bad while I was doing it, but I have already been told that I will be cursing her in the morning. I already started. Today's workout was unlike any other I have EVER experienced. Today she brings out these bright yellow harnesses. What the HELL is that!? I asked her politely..... they looked like mountain climbing ropes or a sex toy from a bad movie or wait.... a TORTURE DEVICE. It's for your workout! She bubbly replied. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat. The long and the short of it is that I was doing suspension training. I was hanging and leaning and standing in all sorts of gravity defying ways doing exercise after exercise that looked completely unnatural. I had to use my own body weight (and thank goodness there is less of it now!) to do standing pushups, leg work, back work, arm work, and even ab work. Thats right. She suspended my legs in the torture loops and had me hold planks for 30 seconds. The longest 30 seconds of my life. Don't know what a plank is? Picture it- Lying on your belly, arms at angles so that only your forearms are on the floor, on your toes holding your weight up so that your back is straight and your butt is high. Think it's easy? Doing this on the floor is bad enough, but then to suspend my legs and not let them go swinging through the air while still doing all the rest. Insane. But I did it. All of it. I didn't cop out a single time. There were no "I can'ts" or "no mores". There were a few "you're insanes" and "do WHATs!? " but at the end of the day, I did it all. And love it. God. help. me.

65 days down...115 to go!

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