Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 54: Part 2. Liars

So here is a more in depth version of my points from last night.

Mirrors. Who in their right mind decided to put these damn fun house mirrors in the gym!? I can put clothes on think I look ok, drive the mile to the gym look in those mirrors and want to die. Wouldn't you think that it would be a good idea to make people look BETTER at the gym so we feel like that all this work is for SOMETHING and not just to look worse? I guess the other school of thought is that if I look terrible, I will keep coming back. But still. Throw us a bone here. And I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have seen other girls in the locker room looking at themselves from all angles. I can almost hear them saying "wtf. Did I look like this when I walked out the door today? I didn't think so.....". Agreed. It's ridiculous. And that leads me to my next point- scales. Another liar. I wish that I could get on any scale in the world and weigh the same amount. As of this morning, there is a 7lb spread depending on the scale as to what my weight it. That's a big difference! Of course, the only scale that counts is that one at school. And that one OF COURSE is showing almost the smallest amount of weight loss- except for  the scale in the gym. Again. Whats the deal!? Shouldn't the gym be ENCOURAGING me?! Shouldn't the numbers be going down week after week? They are on every other scale, at least a little, other than the one at the gym. It's a conspiracy. I can see the leaders of the gym world sitting around and deciding how to make us feel WORSE about ourselves. Like its not enough that I have to see myself while working out, but then I get to go into the locker room and feel even more defeated. Thanks al ot gym. thanks a lot.

54 days down... 126 to go!

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