Come on. We all have them. Days where you really don't know WHAT your problem is, but you know you have one, and then suddenly, every little thing, no matter how big or how small pisses you off? Yup. That's my day. I didn't feel like this most of the day thankfully, although I did have bursts of annoyance. I mean who wouldn't after hours of proctoring CSAP and watching your class refuse to follow directions and still ask questions after you have said over and over and OVER "I can't answer any questions once the test starts", yet still questions arise. "Do we have to do this one?" "Is this a 5 cent or a penny?" "Do we go one when there is a go on arrow on the bottom of the page?". Ok, so maybe I was in a crappy mood all day after all! If that didn't do it, perhaps it's the fact that my stomach has been in knots since 3pm? Or the fact that even though all my clothes are HUGE on me, smaller sizes don't fit me. I spent hours bouncing from store to store trying to find a sundress. How difficult is this!? They all either make me look pregnant, look like I'm smuggling a beach ball in my pants, or make me look like a porn star. None of which are the look I am going for. Perhaps THAT'S what put me in a crappy mood. Or maybe it was slinking into the gym at 8pm only to only do 40 half-assed minutes of cardio because I just wasn't into it. Perhaps it was the "happy" meal that I ate at 4:30 because I was STARVING (and it was 4 nuggets AND I threw away 1/2 the fries before I ever left the drive-thru just to cut some calories!) Whatever it is, I'm pissy. And writing all this and reading it back just pisses me off more. Oh, and here we are on day 60- the day I said to check back about wearing THE jeans out the door. I still can't. Great. Just one more thing to piss me off today.....
60 days down...120 to go!
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