Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 55: Hungover

Now before you say "what!? But Lisa, you never drink! How could you POSSIBLY be hungover?!" let me explain.... I'm not hungover in the traditional way. This morning, John informed me that I am now officially a gym addict..... I told him I knew this was true because I woke up this morning with a hangover... a workout hangover. Now, from the few times that I have had a real hangover, I know that you wake up feeling like crap, achy, wondering what the hell you did the day before. Today, I woke up feeling like crap, achy, and wondering what the hell did I do the day before. Yup. Sounds like a hangover to me. I had my 3rd personal training session yesterday morning. If I thought the previous sessions were hard, I had no idea what I was in for. Instead of 2 sets of 12 reps, yesterday was all about time. Sixty second intervals to do as many of the exercise as I could. And there were 8 different things. Back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back. Was that 8? It sucked. I did a few things that I had done before, but it was mostly new stuff. Damn you muscle confusion theory. All I know is, as soon as she lined up all the weights I would be using, I was ready to go home. You want me to lift what!? You want me to swing how much weight? You want me to do how many pushups into a T? You want me to do HOW MANY SQUATS!? Kill me. I did everything I could last night to help ensure that I wouldn't be in pain today. I drank tons of water, used the arnica gel, and had my legs elevated. All to no avail. Today I feel like I have been hit by a mac truck. And to top it all off, thanks to the very late, very fattening dinner I had last night, plus the fact that I am retaining water thanks to the super sore muscles, I am now 2lbs heavier than I was yesterday. Awesome. Glad to see the hard work is paying off.................
55 days down...125 to go!

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