Or is it on the wagon? Which way is it when I'm doing things I'm not supposed to be doing? That's the one I'm doing. I just cant seem to get myself back into a routine of eating right and working out. Any excuse that I can come up with, I'm using. Today I even drove my gym clothes all the way to work and back, and I STILL didn't work out! WTF? I dunno..... I even weighed myself at work today just to check in, and thankfully, I didn't gain weight after this weekend's binge fest. I mean I was up a few oz from last week, but I had also just downed the equivalent to a Big Gulp. But still. After a week I should be down SOMETHING, but I wasn't. And I was surprised!? Did I think the weight was just going to magically fall off? Did I think the weight loss fairy that has been laying dormant for so long would suddenly wake from it's slumber and make me skinny? Did I think I could just will the fat away? Did I?! DID I!?!?!?! Secretly? Yes..... Of course none of these things happened. And instead of it lighting a fire under my butt to get back to the gym, I came home and ate 3 more pieces of pizza. Because APPARENTLY, my 4am tummy wake up call from last night wasn't enough to deter me..... What is wrong with me?!?!?!
71 days down...109 to go!
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