Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 70: whoa nelly

So apparently (and by the way, I have learned from many the tale that when a story starts out with "apparently" that no good will come from it....) so apparently.... Once I start eating, I can't stop. Awesome. What a great trait to have. We all know Friday was bad. Then came Saturday, also bad. Today I went to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a year. Another bad choice. Then it was 8pm and I hadn't eaten dinner yet so we ordered pizza. APPARENTLY, my body thought today was a free for all. I ate 4 count 'em FOUR pieces of pizza and 2 breadsticks. I dont think I have ever eaten that much in my entire life, so might as well do it now while I'm counting calories right?! Crap. My excuse is even though my lunch was high calorie, it was not a large quantity so therefore I was REALLY hungry. Apparently.

I don't want to end this on a sour note, so I will say this- I bought 2 pairs of capris yesterday to wear in fl next week. Both of them are a size......12! Now god willing they actually still fit after today's buffet......
70 days down...110 to go!
Oh! And I am quickly approaching 2000 views of this blog!!!! Woohoo! Thank you for reading!

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