Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 81: Is it possible...

to undo 79 days of good in 2 days? I believe so. And I still haven't stopped. Today I went to dinner. At CHILI'S! <gasp!> I know I know... I swore I would never go again... and I did.... and I ate.... good. ness. The good news? I will be home on Sunday and then it will be ON. Calories? yes. Gym? yes. Belly aching and bitching? Absofreakinglutely! As least I walked again today.... I should still be walking..... and I should walking until Sunday. But clearly I won't. I tried on THE jeans today. Thank God I could still button them. And they were right out of the dryer. But it was 90 degrees today. So I took them off immediately. Yuck.
81 days down... 99 to go!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 80: panic at the disco

Day 80. 100 to go. Panic. I could stop there really. 100 days from now I will be walking down the aisle and whatever work I have been doing will be behind me. Today however, on day 80, I babysat my nephew all day. And ate. All day. Seriously. This is not an exaggeration. All. Freaking. Day. I ate the other half of my sub (with mayo) tons of Cheez doodles and too many cookies. I lost count. There were 36 in the package last night when I bought them. Today there are zero. So let's say I ate somewhere between 1 and 35. Yea really. They are that good. And in suddenly glad I can't get them in co. And I already said I will not be buying anymore. I stupidly weighed myself today. Oh boy. Let's just leave it at that. I'm panicking. Yes again. And no I haven't stopped eating. At least I walked 2 miles today. I needed to walk about 22 I fear.....
80 days down... 100 (last day of triple digits!!!!) to go!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 79: Airport Blogging

WARNING!!! This post contains TMI. I repeat, this post contains T.M.I. Proceed with EXTREME caution.....
Don't say I didn't warn you!!!!! 

So here it is. Day 79. I am sitting in the Denver airport waiting for flight #1 to Austin (hi Jane!) and from there, flight #2 to Florida. It's going to be a loooooong day of travel and thanks to 2 time changes, it will officially feel like forever until I get to my final destination. Anyway, I'm at the airport. Crazy early because John obviously needed to get to work. It's amazing how quickly one can fall back into old habits isn't it? I customarily get to the airport, go through security, take the train to my concourse, and eat. Of course what do I eat? (Say it with me now.....) MCDONALDS. Duh. Today, like clockwork, I got to the airport, went through security, took the train to my concourse, and immediately get right in line. What the H E double hockey stick was I doing!? Did it stop me?! Of course not..... I ordered my full former daily breakfast. Sausage biscuit meal with a diet coke. Yes, I'm still the diet coke girl.... I tell myself that it will be ok since I will be on the plane for most of the day and I wont really be able to eat, and I will still stay within my calories. As I was eating, I realized that the breakfast I used to crave, the one I would kill for, really wasn't all that delicious anymore. HALLELUJAH. I was so happy to realize that I really haven't missed much (except for tons of extra calories) since giving up this breakfast 70 something days ago. As I was rejoicing, my stomach was suddenly questioning my breakfast decision. "I'm sorry.... you thought that eating THAT was a good idea today becauuuuuuuuse????" I could almost hear it rumble. I immediately regretted my decision. After the last few days of food fest, and the immediate regret, one would think that I would have made a better decision this morning. But I didn't. And I paid the price. As an added bonus just for fun my "Aunt Flo" made an earlier plane than expected and caught me completely off guard. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat. After 2 bathroom stops at the machines, 3 little stores with no luck, I finally had to break down and ask someone for help. Thankfully she was my savior, and the crisis was averted. Sigh. So that's my day so far... and it's only 930. Let's focus on the positives for a moment shall we? I was back down my 2 lbs this morning which gets me on the plane 20 lbs lighter as hoped. In a few short hours, I will be with my family and friends. I have 4 1/2 days of fun ahead regardless of the crappy weather. Let's just hope my flights have more smooth sailing than my morning......
79 days down...101 to go!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 78: fatty fatty is backy backy!

It's ALOT harder to blog about weight loss when you're not counting calories and the numbers on the scale are already starting to creep back the wrong way. I have no one to blame but myself. I have an unhealthy obsession with food- and not the good kinds like fruits and veggies and proteins. Oh hell no. I like carbs and fat and deep fried carby fat. Reeeeeally helpful. Today was a LITTLE better than yesterday, but not much. I already know the next 6 days are going to be a disaster food wise. Im bringing THE jeans with me on vacation in hopes that I will still be able to wear them by the time I leave. Im also bringing gym clothes. I WILL use them. I have to. Or I'm going to be in deep doodoo....
We'll see what happens! I'm not making any promises about blogging for the next week either. I will be with family, friends, and my chunky cheek nephew until Sunday. I will do my best to stay focused and not go too overboard..... I hope I can do it.

78 days down...102 to go!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 77: good day/ bad day

Good day- spent the day with John
Bad day- 3 errands we tried to run were foiled by places being closed on sundays

Good day- spending time with good friends
Bad day- eating one of everything on the menu. Yeah. That much. Seriously.

Good day- finding a really cool thing for my centerpieces
Bad day- having no idea what to do with the really cool thing for my centerpieces

Good day- artichokes!!!!
Bad day- artichokes are still not quite in season

Good day- finding the croc store in the huge mall
Bad day- not one single pair fit and I REALLY need to exchange the ones I have

Good day- not having to set my alarm for 545 because I'm on SPRING BREAK!!!!
bad day- having early morning errands to run and having to set my alarm anyway

Good day- having THE BEST almost hubby EVER
Bad day- nothing :)

77 days down...103 to go!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 76: Cry Baby

So today was yet another roller coaster day. I know the basis of why, but I will spare you the gory details. I finally made it back to the gym and discovered that last week's easy 60 minutes of cardio has again become a painful 20. I guess now I know what happens when you are a SLACKER and don't go for almost a week.... I was meeting my friend at noon, so I decided to come home do the quick ab ripper from p90x (ow by the way. I have HUGE respect for people who can do any/all of the p90x program. It's INSANE) and get going. I started doing the dvd and 30 seconds in I was already struggling. What the hell happened to getting stronger!? I feel like I am getting weaker by the day. Instead of pushing through, I quit. Not only did I quit, but I sat on my floor, in gym clothes, in front of the paused "crunchy frogs" move, and cried. Cried because I couldn't do it. Cried because I feel like I haven't been doing enough. Cried because I feel like I am starting to look better and then I stand next to someone who looks AWESOME and I can't be them, and I don't look like them, and I want to etc. etc. etc. Good. ness. Get a grip. I have ALWAYS been a crier. Always. I feel like it gives me some sort of control in a situation when I don't have control. I know it doesn't help anything. And I damn well know that sitting in front of the paused dvd doesn't count as actually doing it. But at that very moment, that's all I could do. However, when I weighed myself, I was down a 1/2lb from this morning haha (have I mentioned I'm a compulsive weigher inner?), so I guess the crying did SOMETHING. Ok, so probably not.....

Anywho.... I finally got myself together and moved on..... to Sonic where I had tots, and a burger. Oye. I was still in my calories, so I thought I would be ok.... until I had dinner..... and lets not even talk about that shall we?! Don't worry, you don't need to lecture me... my stomach already did plenty of reprimanding of its own! TMI. I know.

OH! And I got my wedding invitations done today! Thank you Melissa!!!!! They are so stinking cute and I can't wait to send them out!!!! 

and totally unrelated, I <3 Back to the Future. It's on right now and I couldn't help but watch the last 20 minutes. And "It's the Libyans" still sounds like "It's the Olympians" to me. Don't judge me.

76 days down...104 to go!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 75: and nothing else matters

Soooo I can go on and on about all the ins and outs of the final bl weigh in. I could go on and on about everything I ate today. I could go on and on and ON about how happy I am to be on spring break. But I won't. I will say this only: I list 20.2 lbs on the clothing scale! I didn't win, and really wasn't even close, but my goal was 20lbs by today and I reached it. I also wore THE jeans even though I said I wouldn't, and they weren't as tight as I feared :) all in all, it was a good day! I am SO proud if everyone who played and lost weight. 195.5 lbs lost as a team!!!!! Woohooooo! Today we are ALL losers (in a good way of course!)
75 days down...105 to go!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 73.5: Whaddya Want From Me?!

I have that flipping song in my head, and there is really no reason. I didn't even hear it this morning, and for that I am grateful, however, it is still playing in my head. And sadly, I think that has become my new theme song. And really, it's my theme song to myself. I don't feel like anyone is asking anything of me that I can't handle. No one is pressuring me to lose more weight, or criticizing me for not losing enough. It's all about me. Tomorrow is the final BL weigh in at school. We have had 10 days for our final push to do what we can- I gained weight. 11 weigh ins and not ONCE did I have to report a weight gain, until now. According to naked scale, I am down 1/2 lb this morning, putting me at 19.5 which is still higher than last week. According to clothing scale this morning, I am up 1 lb from 10 days ago. Really!? I can sit here and come up with a million excuses as to why this happened, but we all know the truth. I didn't do enough. I hit 20lbs on the naked scale and threw my hands in the air and celebrated. And the weight started creeping back. I said I would be down 20lbs by the time I get on the plane, and that will be on Tuesday. Will I make it? I don't know. Another issue is, I keep moving the goal line. First it was 20lbs. Ok. The only scale I was using was naked scale. I got to 20 there. Then we started weighing in at school and even though that scale is 3-4lbs more than naked scale, I decided my 20lbs should be on THAT scale. I hit 17.3 and started going back up. There is no way that within 24 hours I will be down the pound that I gained, PLUS the difference that I originally needed. I also said I was going to wear THE jeans tomorrow, no matter what they looked like. I was hoping that would be enough to make me work hard enough so that I didn't have to care what they looked like because they would look awesome. Sadly, they look the same as they did on day 30- terrible. I will NOT be wearing them tomorrow A) because I am too embarrassed, and 2) because they STILL don't fit.  I also feel HUGE. i was just starting to feel thin, I was carrying myself differently, had a little spring in my step knowing that my pants were all too big, I bought size 12s (which I haven't tries since I bought them because I don't know if they will fit!) and excited about the fact that people were starting to notice a change. It's amzing how 1 pound can totally derail you. And now I admit defeat. I don't even want to weigh in tomorrow because I feel so crappy about it. And what do I do when I feel crappy? Eat. Awesome. Juuuuuust awesome.

73.5 days down... 106.5 to go because I wrote so early!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 73: When I zip, you zip, we zip

I am 99.9% sure that this is the theme song for every pair of pants that I own. Suddenly, they have a mind of their own and no longer want to stay zipped at any point in time. This is not only generally obnoxious, but also frustrating. These are the same pairs of pants that last week were so big that I could put them on and take them off without having to unzip or unbutton them. These are the same pants that were SO tight 2 months ago that they always left a red ring of death. And now, suddenly, after LOSING 20ish lbs, they start unzipping on their own free will!?!?! Then I start to panic... have I been walking around with my pants unzipped for weeks? months? YEARS? and no one mentioned it to me!? I can't imagine that this is so because I'm pretty sure I would notice. I mean lord knows I notice  it now. And its SO ANNOYING. It still leaves me wondering as to why is this happening!? Have I gained 2 lbs back? yes. Am I a little bloated? Yes. Is this cause for my pants to suddenly try to run away from my body!? I don't think so!!!! If anyone has any suggestions or logical rationales for why this is suddenly happening, I am totally open to it... well, at least my pants are anyway.....
73 days down...107 to go!

Day 72: Oopsey Daisy!

Sooo I just realized I never blogged last night. I was in a crappy mood and didn't feel like doing much of anything other than sulking so that is probably why this didn't get done. Here is the RERALLY shortened version:
1. I have GAINED 2 lbs since last Monday. Isn't that special? At this rate, not only will I NOT be at -20lbs by the time I get on the plane, but I may be closer to +20lbs. Ok. Probably not. But it sounds much more dramatic that way.
2. I hate the gym. Yes still. I even tried going to a new location yesterday. One that looked BEAUTIFUL. And it sucked. I have never seen such a poor layout in any building. Locker rooms WAAAAAAAY on the other side of the gym so you have to walk in between people groaning and grunting and flinging sweat everywhere. (Although it did allow me to see the guy with the house arrest ankle monitor. That made me chuckle. I mean why would you wear SHORTS if you had an ankle monitor???) The group X room was elevated just enough so that when you walk past the glass wall (of course) you get crotch shots. Ridiculous. I will NOT be going back there any time soon.
3. I need Kettle Brand BAKED Salt & Vinegar chips. NEED THEM. I have been to the 2 places where I used to be able to buy them and they don't have them. I bought white cheddar instead.... I need S & V.
4. I am TERRIFIED that I am going to be a crappy wife. I'm not going to get into it, but I'm terrified.
5. All these things are what put me in a crappy mood. Especially 1 and 4. Hopefully today will be a better day. Hopefully.

72 days down...108 to go!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 71: Off the wagon

Or is it on the wagon? Which way is it when I'm doing things I'm not supposed to be doing? That's the one I'm doing. I just cant seem to get myself back into a routine of eating right and working out. Any excuse that I can come up with, I'm using. Today I even drove my gym clothes all the way to work and back, and I STILL didn't work out! WTF? I dunno..... I even weighed myself at work today just to check in, and thankfully, I didn't gain weight after this weekend's binge fest. I mean I was up a few oz from last week, but I had also just downed the equivalent to a Big Gulp. But still. After a week I should be down SOMETHING, but I wasn't. And I was surprised!? Did I think the weight was just going to magically fall off? Did I think the weight loss fairy that has been laying dormant for so long would suddenly wake from it's slumber and make me skinny? Did I think I could just will the fat away? Did I?! DID I!?!?!?! Secretly? Yes..... Of course none of these things happened. And instead of it lighting a fire under my butt to get back to the gym, I came home and ate 3 more pieces of pizza. Because APPARENTLY, my 4am tummy wake up call from last night wasn't enough to deter me..... What is wrong with me?!?!?!

71 days down...109 to go!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 70: whoa nelly

So apparently (and by the way, I have learned from many the tale that when a story starts out with "apparently" that no good will come from it....) so apparently.... Once I start eating, I can't stop. Awesome. What a great trait to have. We all know Friday was bad. Then came Saturday, also bad. Today I went to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a year. Another bad choice. Then it was 8pm and I hadn't eaten dinner yet so we ordered pizza. APPARENTLY, my body thought today was a free for all. I ate 4 count 'em FOUR pieces of pizza and 2 breadsticks. I dont think I have ever eaten that much in my entire life, so might as well do it now while I'm counting calories right?! Crap. My excuse is even though my lunch was high calorie, it was not a large quantity so therefore I was REALLY hungry. Apparently.

I don't want to end this on a sour note, so I will say this- I bought 2 pairs of capris yesterday to wear in fl next week. Both of them are a size......12! Now god willing they actually still fit after today's buffet......
70 days down...110 to go!
Oh! And I am quickly approaching 2000 views of this blog!!!! Woohoo! Thank you for reading!

Day 69: what had happened was...

I'm a lightweight. That's the long and short of it. John an I decided that since I'm such a picky drinker that we needed to try different champagnes to decide what we wanted for our toast at the wedding. We selected a few to try and went on our merry way. I jokingly said "should I blog before or after I drink?". John said it would make more sense if I blogged first but it would be much more entertaining if I blogged after I drank. Gee thanks. Well I wasn't even given an opportunity. As soon as we got home from dinner, John was popping corks. I think he wanted to get me drinking before I changed my mind. His ploy worked. I hated 3 and loved 1. "Why didnt we get more of this brand?" I giggled. "Let's go get some!" John excitedly replied. After 3 sips and a glass I already couldn't drive. So we walked. The small liquor store right by the house didnt have any of the brand we wanted. We made it almost all the way home when I brilliantly remembered there was another liquor store a mile away. We can walk!!!!! I would later regret that. We walked there, bought what we wanted and then headed back. Here's the thing about walking a mile somewhere- you have to walk the mile back! We made it home and again John quickly popped the corks before I could change my mind. Not only did we find a champagne for the toast but I found one that I REALLY liked. And John kept pouring. And I kept liking it. And he kept pouring. Somewhere in there I realized I never blogged, but there was no way I was going to be able to anyway.... And that is the story about how I never blogged yesterday. And how I am the biggest lightweight on the planet. The end.
69 days down...111 to go!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 68: Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I am a big. fat. cheater. No, no, not in the relationship sense, but in my relationship with food. I told myself LAST weekend that THIS week I wasn't going to allow myself a cheat day. I was going to work out hard core and not go over my calories once. And then there was today. Today we received some pretty crappy news at work.... and when you receive crappy news, there are only 2 options: eat or eat & drink. Five of us work girls went out to lunch. Soup, salad, and breadsticks. Sounds harmless enough, but I knew better. I had recently looked at the calorie count for such things and knew that consuming the trifecta would blow my calories for the day, let alone lunch. So I only ordered soup. And I only had one bowl. And one breadstick. And 2 olives. And one more breadstick. And a few more olives. And one more breadstick. And 1 1/2 Andes mints to finish it off. Wooooooooooonderful.......... This left me with around 550 calories left for dinner. Ok, no problem. i could do this. Until it was 8pm and we hadn't eaten dinner yet. We went to Fresh Fish Company, which again sounded harmless enough. They even go as far as to list the calorie count next to some of the healthier options! Yesssss! Except that ALL the food I consumed didn't have calories listed. And you know that when calories aren't listed, much as when prices aren't listed, that it isn't going to be a low number. By this point, I had consumed the ENTIRE loaf of sourdough bread that they brought to the table. Crap. That was at least the 550 I had left and I hadn't even ordered yet. Aaaaaaaaand with that, it was officially a cheat day. We skipped the creme brulee even though it looked fantastic, but somehow (and I wasn't driving or ordering so you can't blame me...............) I ended up with an ice cream cone from McDonalds in my hand 30 minutes later. Well, it would be SUCH a shame to let it go to waste....... There go all my good intentions for the day and possibly for the week. And just when I officially reached 20 lbs on the naked scale. Dammit.
68 days down...112 to go!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 67: TGFJJ

Seriously. So today was a loooooooooooooong day. After teaching all day, we had conferences from 3:30-7. Around 1030 I realized that not only did I forget to bring the rest of my lunch other than grapes, but I also forgot to bring something for dinner. It's ok. PTA always provides dinner for us on these days so I figured I would just eat that. Until we got an email saying that PTA would not be providing dinner. Crap. So now what!? I can't survive on 1 hashbrown and a cup of grapes I'm pretty sure. And then I got the savior email. Jimmy Johns who does not usually deliver to our school (because we are 1 traffic light past their delivery zone..................................) would deliver for us today! Score! Not only was I going to get food, but I was also going to stay within my calorie count! I even splurged for the mayo! All in all, it was a victorious day. I was too tired to go to the gym when I got home, so I decided to walk my stairs. Especially since I had just watched Shedding for the Wedding and the challenge was a stair climber (and the Gator team was sent home! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!) Yeah.... about those stairs.... I walked them for 5 minutes until there was a burning in my chest and back. And then the coughing fit started. And then I was done. And then I ate a cookie. Sigh. Some habits will never die.....
67 days down...113 to go!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 66: Nondenominational Guilt

Today is my off day from the gym. I know I need it. My body is telling me I need it. My brain is saying I need it. Kinda. My brain also told me to choose french fries instead of steamed herb potatoes at dinner. It also told me that one kind of cake batter frozen yogurt wasn't enough, I needed 2. And now my brain is telling me to feel guilty about enjoying a good dinner and dessert without earning it. Now one could argue (and I am one) that I damn well earned it during my suspension training yesterday. Somewhere between swinging from my ankles and standing pushups MUST have earned me some Yogurtland right!? Yet, here I am, wracked with guilt. I really don't know why. I absolutely stayed within my calorie count today. I only ate 5 1/2 oz of yogurt when I can EASILY eat double or sometimes even TRIPLE that amount (don't judge me...... It's good stuff.......Oh shut up.) Maybe it's the fact that I'm up almost 2lbs from Monday's weigh in. (yes, I'm back to weighing myself everyday. Ok, who are we kidding... I never stopped weighing myself everyday. Don't judge me...... Oh shut up.) Maybe because I am putting a TON of pressure on myself that I MUST lose 20lbs on the fully clothed scale before I get on that plane 2 weeks from yesterday and 19.5lbs just won't cut it. Maybe I'm panicking because I have a date set to visit and <gasp> try on my dress! Maybe because even though I am pushing myself way harder than I ever have before, I feel like everyone is doing more, and I'm still not doing enough. Maybe it's because even though my clothes are big, I feel like its not all that noticeable that I've been busting my butt. Whatever it is, I feel guilty. Good news is that I will probably be over it by tomorrow. I'm also a nondenominational Libra after all.
66 days down...114 to go!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 65: The day after Manic Monday

must be Torture Tuesday. That's right, another kick my ass trainer session at the gym. Today was one of those hidden gem workouts where it didn't feel SO bad while I was doing it, but I have already been told that I will be cursing her in the morning. I already started. Today's workout was unlike any other I have EVER experienced. Today she brings out these bright yellow harnesses. What the HELL is that!? I asked her politely..... they looked like mountain climbing ropes or a sex toy from a bad movie or wait.... a TORTURE DEVICE. It's for your workout! She bubbly replied. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat. The long and the short of it is that I was doing suspension training. I was hanging and leaning and standing in all sorts of gravity defying ways doing exercise after exercise that looked completely unnatural. I had to use my own body weight (and thank goodness there is less of it now!) to do standing pushups, leg work, back work, arm work, and even ab work. Thats right. She suspended my legs in the torture loops and had me hold planks for 30 seconds. The longest 30 seconds of my life. Don't know what a plank is? Picture it- Lying on your belly, arms at angles so that only your forearms are on the floor, on your toes holding your weight up so that your back is straight and your butt is high. Think it's easy? Doing this on the floor is bad enough, but then to suspend my legs and not let them go swinging through the air while still doing all the rest. Insane. But I did it. All of it. I didn't cop out a single time. There were no "I can'ts" or "no mores". There were a few "you're insanes" and "do WHATs!? " but at the end of the day, I did it all. And love it. God. help. me.

65 days down...115 to go!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 64: I need some tunes!

So.... I'm currently at the gym... I left my headphones at home and my water bottle in the car... CLEARLY it's going to be a productive workout.... I figured I might as well get my daily blogging in to make the time pass. If there are any random spellings or typos, please excuse me because I'm blogging on my phone while doing cardio!
So today is monday in case you didnt know... And for those of you who have forgotten, that means it's weigh in day. Now I don't remember if i posted my weight loss the other day, but even I I did, it was a sham after not really eating much for a day since I felt like crap. But today is Monday. The real weigh in day. The day where I have to throw caution to the wind and just let whatever will happen, happen. I stripped down and weighed in at home first of course. Dear lord of size 12 jeans and creator of all weighing devices- please PLEASE let me have lost weight this week..... And I did! Naked scale grand total so far: -19.5 lbs ( oh how I would have killed for an even 20!!!! Gift horse gift horse I know....) and fully clothed scale total so far: -17.3! Wooooohooo! I even managed to win this week's weigh in for highest percentage and moved into a distant 3rd place overall. Final weigh in for the game is next FRIDAY right before spring break. I'm hoping to hit fully clothed scale -20. Only time will tell!
64 days down...116 to go!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 63: Busy Bee

Today John and I decided to do "just a few" things. You know just as well as I do that that translates into "you don't even have time to shower, but get in the car and prepare not to see the light of day anymore".  I should have realized that ahead of time, but I foolishly thought that a "quick trip to get a watch battery" really would be a "quick trip to get a watch battery". Amateur. After a low cal lunch of Jimmy John's I was fueled and ready for the day. After a quick stop for a pedicure (I NEEDED it. Trust me.) we headed back to the mall to pick up the watch. Of course, we meandered through the mall in case there was anything else we NEEDED. Did I mention that I finally bought a new pair of jeans yesterday? And a sundress in a LARGE, not an EXTRA large, AND if my "girls" weren't so damn big I could have bought the MEDIUM?! Did I!? DID I?!?!?!? I really don't remember......
But that was yesterday... and today I looked longingly at American Eagle. I looked longingly at the boyfriend fit jeans that I used to wear with ease. I told John that I would really start to feel better about all this calorie counting stuff if I could JUST fit into American Eagle jeans again. He brought me into the store. I again looked longingly at the jeans. He finally convinced me to try a pair on. The biggest size they have is 14 (which is American Eagle world is APPALLING that anyone would EVER need jeans that big.) so I picked them up and slunk off to the dressing room sure I would still not be able to wear them. Afterall, I haven't been able to wear them in YEARS. So I closed the door and said a prayer.... and put them on with ease. And there was ROOM!!!!!!!! WHAT!? I now danced my way out of the dressing room to tell John. He tells me to buy them. I tell him no. I tell him I want to wait until I can wear a 12 before I buy them. He tells me to try on a 12. Crap. So I do.... I say another prayer. And again, they button and zip! A 12?!?!?!?!?!? Now, not ready to wear out of the house quite yet, but by the time these jeans go on sale again, I WILL buy them and I WILL wear them. And any of you who are in the single digits and thinking you are "so fat" and "if I was a 12 I would kill myself" you can suck it. For the rest of you who know my pain and my joy of finally being able to close a size 12, celebrate with me won't you!? A 12!!!!!!!!!!!

63 days down...117 to go!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 62: Back in the Saddle

So after 794234 hours of sleep, I was finally feeling better this morning. Good thing because I was meeting a friend for her wedding tasting today. That's right, another cheat day..... Now, this is the SAME person who threatened me with needing an extra panel in my dress if I didn't stop the cheat days, so I called her out on it just to make sure she wasn't trying to fatten me up like a Christmas goose. She swore her intentions were pure, so I opted to go. I went into the day knowing it was going to be a bad one. I held out on eating until we got there, and then proceeded to eat everything that wasn't nailed down. Except for the duck confit because really? Ew. But everything else I could consume, I did. Even the stuff that in title seemed healthy was cooking and sitting in butter, or had some sort of sauce or dressing. There was no way in the world to be good. So I didn't bother. That carried over throughout the day and I ended up having tater tots for dinner. That's right tater tots. I ate so many that I couldn't make it to real food. I washed them down with real Mountain Dew because why not throw a few hundred extra more calories into the mix just for fun? I just finished my night with 3 thin mints. Let's see, + 400 carry the 5, multiply by 2.... that's about 4000 calories MORE than I was allotted for the day. Super. As of this morning, BEFORE food fest 2011, I was officially down 20lbs according to my at home naked scale. I don't think I even want to know what it's going to say by Monday when all this catches up to me!

62 days down...118 to go!

Day 61: sick as a dog

Sorry for the late bloggage of day 61, but yesterday I was sick a a dog. I powered through work, made it home by 4:15 and was asleep by 4:30. John came home, told me to take a 20 minute nap.... 3 hours later we both woke up. I ate some soup which is more than I managed all day and was back in bed by 930. Here's hoping today is better!
61 days down...119 to go!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 60: Just One of Those Days

Come on. We all have them. Days where you really don't know WHAT your problem is, but you know you have one, and then suddenly, every little thing, no matter how big or how small pisses you off? Yup. That's my day. I didn't feel like this most of the day thankfully, although I did have bursts of annoyance. I mean who wouldn't after hours of proctoring CSAP and watching your class refuse to follow directions and still ask questions after you have said over and over and OVER "I can't answer any questions once the test starts", yet still questions arise. "Do we have to do this one?" "Is this a 5 cent or a penny?" "Do we go one when there is a go on arrow on the bottom of the page?". Ok, so maybe I was in a crappy mood all day after all! If that didn't do it, perhaps it's the fact that my stomach has been in knots since 3pm? Or the fact that even though all my clothes are HUGE on me, smaller sizes don't fit me. I spent hours bouncing from store to store trying to find a sundress. How difficult is this!? They all either make me look pregnant, look like I'm smuggling a beach ball in my pants, or make me look like a porn star. None of which are the look I am going for. Perhaps THAT'S what put me in a crappy mood. Or maybe it was slinking into the gym at 8pm only to only do 40 half-assed minutes of cardio because I just wasn't into it. Perhaps it was the "happy" meal that I ate at 4:30 because I was STARVING (and it was 4 nuggets AND I threw away 1/2 the fries before I ever left the drive-thru just to cut some calories!) Whatever it is, I'm pissy. And writing all this and reading it back just pisses me off more. Oh, and here we are on day 60- the day I said to check back about wearing THE jeans out the door. I still can't. Great. Just one more thing to piss me off today.....

60 days down...120 to go!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 59: Holy Macaroni!

Macaroni. What a silly word. I feel like my family is the only one in the world to call macaroni, "macaroni" when referring to a pasta in tomato sauce. I feel like the rest of the world only uses the word "macaroni" when followed by "and cheese". So yes. Macaroni. And meatballs. Homemade meatballs. Yum. AND, not made by John! That's right- I cooked dinner! It's a miracle! Anyway, John has been craving spaghetti and meatballs since he got home, so I promised him I would make them this week. I made sure to eat like a bird all day, and even turn my nose up to the most delicious looking cupcakes I have EVER seen with a huge dollop of chocolate fudge icing.... droooooool...... uh, where was I? Oh right. I ate like a bird today because I knew what dinner plans were. I also planned on hitting the gym, but we were both hungry when I got home from work, and once we consumed the carb overload, breathing became a workout in itself. Clearly, the gym didn't happen.

So back to the cupcakes because now that's all I can think about. They looked AMAZING. They must have been from a real bakery, and not just a grocery store bakery. Those I can pass up. But these.... wow. Yellow cake and chocolate frosting. My FAVORITE. I stared at them longingly all day trying to figure out how in the world I could eat one without having to go to bed at 5pm because I was out of calories. I couldn't. :( When the clocked ticked down to cupcake time, I was growing weaker. Instead of allowing myself to eat what I really wanted, I  ate a banana. And I HATE bananas. And my class cheered. Yes, CHEERED. The girl who started it was actually the one who brought the cupcakes, and being the clever 10 year old that she is, realized exactly what I was doing. "She ate a banana instead!" she proudly announced as my class was working. A few kids knew exactly what that meant and immediately started clapping. Others looked around very confused. Another girl quickly clarified the situation in 3 simple words: "wedding dress. DUH" Some days, I love my class. And that is the story how 10 year olds became my own personal Jimminy Cricket conscience and gave me the strength to enjoy macaroni and meatballs for dinner, instead of water and air.

59 days down...121 days (4 months today!) to go!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 58: Half-assing

That should be my new motto. Instead of going to the gym today and working out with my trainer, I came home from work, bottled beer for the wedding, and sat my happy ass on the couch with a heat back. I'm not 100% sure what I did, but I have a funny feeling it had something to do with Saturday's intense workout. Whatever the cause, the effect is that my entire lower back hurts. A lot. To the point that I don't even want to bend over to pick something up off the floor. Of course, this makes me mad. I'm sure I should just power through and stretch it out and go to the gym anyway, but I am instead opting to half-ass my day and do nothing. "Recovery" is the technical term I'm told. Whatever it is, I need to get better NOW so I can keep up the hard work and not GAIN weight.

I've officially given up on the BL game because there is no way to ever catch up. I still have a goal of 20lbs by the time I get on the plane for spring break. That way when I do gain a few pounds thanks to delicious foods such as Dunkin Donuts, Publix subs, and Wings Plus (because who are we kidding... I only get that stuff a few times a year, and I WILL be eating it!) I will only need to get back down those few pounds and then the 10 more to reach my wedding goal. We shall see. Think strong back thoughts for me! I need it!

58 days down... 122 to go!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 57: No pain no i in team flock together

I have heard my fair share of feel good sentiments lately. In the beginning, I was happy to take them on as my own mantra. Happy to walk around boasting that "slow and steady wins the race!" or "remember the story of the tortoise and the hare" or my personal favorite "no pain, no gain".  Now, please don't be offended if you are one of the people that has been giving me the words of wisdom. I've been giving myself these little pep talks too. And until now, they have mostly been working. And then came today. Something just snapped and I was done with it. I'm tired of falling further and further behind in the Biggest Loser game. I'm tired of being tired and achy with only seeing minimal results. I'm tired of diminishing calories every week, and having to measure, count, and weigh. Blah. Obviously, as you can tell, my weigh in today didn't go exactly as planned. According to my scale at home, I gained 3.5lbs since Saturday. Thank you water retention in my sore muscles. That means that I only lost a pound this week at school. So much for my goal of 2+ lbs a week.Why can't I just be happy that I lost SOMETHING? Why must I "look a gift horse in the mouth"? I don't know. It's just never enough for me I guess. The good news? "The sun will come out tomorrow". Ugh.

57 days down...123 to go!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 56: Lisa's pants are falling down....

falling down, falling down! Lisa's pants are falling down! My fair lady! Today, I was able to remove my 2nd pair of jeans without having to unbutton or unzip them! These are the same pants that 2 months ago were leaving or close to leaving the red ring of death around my midsection. In fact, one of these pairs of pants, I haven't even bothered to try to wear in a couple of months because there was no way possible I was going to be able to put them on, let alone take them off without unbuttoning and unzipping. This phenomenon excites me, and upsets me. It excites me because, come on, who doesn't want their pants to be big!? It upsets me because in not so many more pounds, I am going to start losing clothes from my wardrobe.... of course, I will gain some other things, so we will have to see where everything pans out. I tried on a pair of gray capris today that in no way shape or form have I even been able to THINK about trying to wear in months. Possibly years. And today? Up. Zipped. Buttoned. YES. The TRIFECTA! Now, they are not ready to wear out of the house, but since it snowed today and for the next couple of days, I don't need to be worried about wearing the capris out of the house just yet. Hopefully, by the time it warms up, I will be able to wear them for real again. I also tried on a pair of jeans yesterday at the store that were the exact same jeans as the ones I was wearing, but one size down. Again, they were up. zipped. and buttoned. But they also came with a bonus..... MUFFIN TOP! Not. Cute. Oh well. I guess I am what they call "in between sizes". Let's just hope that there isn't a big gust of wind while I'm wearing the pants I have for now..... and if there is, just don't stand behind me, or you might see my pants get pantsed! Yikes.

56 days down...124 to go!

Day 55: Hungover

Now before you say "what!? But Lisa, you never drink! How could you POSSIBLY be hungover?!" let me explain.... I'm not hungover in the traditional way. This morning, John informed me that I am now officially a gym addict..... I told him I knew this was true because I woke up this morning with a hangover... a workout hangover. Now, from the few times that I have had a real hangover, I know that you wake up feeling like crap, achy, wondering what the hell you did the day before. Today, I woke up feeling like crap, achy, and wondering what the hell did I do the day before. Yup. Sounds like a hangover to me. I had my 3rd personal training session yesterday morning. If I thought the previous sessions were hard, I had no idea what I was in for. Instead of 2 sets of 12 reps, yesterday was all about time. Sixty second intervals to do as many of the exercise as I could. And there were 8 different things. Back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back. Was that 8? It sucked. I did a few things that I had done before, but it was mostly new stuff. Damn you muscle confusion theory. All I know is, as soon as she lined up all the weights I would be using, I was ready to go home. You want me to lift what!? You want me to swing how much weight? You want me to do how many pushups into a T? You want me to do HOW MANY SQUATS!? Kill me. I did everything I could last night to help ensure that I wouldn't be in pain today. I drank tons of water, used the arnica gel, and had my legs elevated. All to no avail. Today I feel like I have been hit by a mac truck. And to top it all off, thanks to the very late, very fattening dinner I had last night, plus the fact that I am retaining water thanks to the super sore muscles, I am now 2lbs heavier than I was yesterday. Awesome. Glad to see the hard work is paying off.................
55 days down...125 to go!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 54: Part 2. Liars

So here is a more in depth version of my points from last night.

Mirrors. Who in their right mind decided to put these damn fun house mirrors in the gym!? I can put clothes on think I look ok, drive the mile to the gym look in those mirrors and want to die. Wouldn't you think that it would be a good idea to make people look BETTER at the gym so we feel like that all this work is for SOMETHING and not just to look worse? I guess the other school of thought is that if I look terrible, I will keep coming back. But still. Throw us a bone here. And I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have seen other girls in the locker room looking at themselves from all angles. I can almost hear them saying "wtf. Did I look like this when I walked out the door today? I didn't think so.....". Agreed. It's ridiculous. And that leads me to my next point- scales. Another liar. I wish that I could get on any scale in the world and weigh the same amount. As of this morning, there is a 7lb spread depending on the scale as to what my weight it. That's a big difference! Of course, the only scale that counts is that one at school. And that one OF COURSE is showing almost the smallest amount of weight loss- except for  the scale in the gym. Again. Whats the deal!? Shouldn't the gym be ENCOURAGING me?! Shouldn't the numbers be going down week after week? They are on every other scale, at least a little, other than the one at the gym. It's a conspiracy. I can see the leaders of the gym world sitting around and deciding how to make us feel WORSE about ourselves. Like its not enough that I have to see myself while working out, but then I get to go into the locker room and feel even more defeated. Thanks al ot gym. thanks a lot.

54 days down... 126 to go!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 53: Oops I Did It Again

sooooooooo here we are at 10:15pm.... I'm in the middle of laundry, kitchen cleaning, and obsessively looking at If you've never been on the site- don't judge me. It's AWESOME. If you have been on the site- then you understand completely why and how I have completely lost track of time. Again. Of course none of this has anything to do with weight loss, so I will get straight to the point and give you the reader's digest condensed version of what I was planning to blog about... ready?
1. mirrors lie. Especially ones in the gym. Or possibly those are the only ones that tell the truth, and THAT my friends is frightening.
2. scales lie. Especially ones in the gym. Or possibly those are the only ones that tell the truth, and THAT my friends is frightening.
And that about sums up my day in a nutshell. How was yours?

53 days down...127 to go!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 52: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Let's do some math just for fun....  CSAP week(s) + PMS + counting calories = cranky hungry girl. I think it should be ILLEGAL to have to diet or exercise when you feel like you are a giant water balloon being shoved into work pants. I think I should be able to eat an entire box of girl scout cookies and call it dinner without any judgment when my daily task includes pacing around the classroom and watching my kids test. Wait! Does that count as exercise? I hope so, because I never made it to the gym today even though I promised myself I would go. Realistically, I was mad and annoyed as I drove home from work. Too much pressure, both with CSAP and within my own body- so I decided to shop instead. (more exercise perhaps!?) Now you KNOW its a bad day when I was too indecisive to buy ANYTHING! And then I debated... quick snack, then workout, then dinner? or dinner then workout? I chose C. Dinner, then sitting on the couch thinking about the fact that I didn't go to the gym and the piles and piles of laundry are still piles. Crap. What an unproductive night. So now I sit here, still wishing that I had eaten the cookies for dinner instead of the spinach pasta and tomatoes, still annoyed, still PMSy, still not wanting to endure 2 hours of watching my kids test tomorrow. Wow. What progress I have made....... .

In other news, I wanted to wear a skirt to work today. It was just warm enough that a skirt with light leggings would have worked perfectly. For those of you who work with me, you may have noticed (but probably not because who are we kidding?) that I indeed did NOT have a skirt on today. For those of you who don't work with me, I indeed did NOT have a skirt on today. There, that's better. Now we are all on the same page. So the skirt. I even steamed it this morning. I put it on aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it was HUGE. There was a tremendous gap from where the skirt ended and I started. This was an AWESOME feeling until I realized I now had nothing to wear for work today. Crap. I guess I should have listened to John last night when he told me to PLEASE pick out my clothes before going to bed so I didn't have to deal with it in the morning... but shhhh.... don't tell him I said that ;) I also managed to avoid ALL the food during the breakfast party in my classroom today. This included cinnamon rolls, panckaes, bacon, and donuts. Thankfully I have my own set of mini personal trainers in there who reminded me that I was not allowed to eat anything (but I could SMELL it.... gee thanks.......) and that "it would all be worth it for the dress". When did 10 year olds get so smart!?

Now, about those cookies.....
52 days down... 128 to go!

Edit: Thank you to those of you who submitted your gift codes to our project! We were able to put $210 towards our project, and only have $166 to go!!!!! Sadly (and amazingly!) we have reached our allotment of this promotion's codes. If I find out about another one, I will let you know! Thanks again!!!!! Keep track of our progress by visiting: to see our project live. Thanks for your help!!!!!! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 51: Body Oddities

The body is a crazy thing isn't it!? Walk with me if you will..... our body is 70(?)% water (or is that the amount of water on earth? hm.) Uh, our body contains LOTS of water. Yet, we need water to survive. And when we drink water, we expel water. Logical right? I know, I know. It's scientific. And somehow related to the water cycle or the food chain or something. But I still think it's odd.

It also still boggles my mind that even though our bodies have many "pairs" (hands, ears, feet.... you get it....) that they are not the same size! Case in point- today I was wearing shoes. Clearly. The left, flopped off my foot for most of the day. The right, rubbed so hard that I was covered in bandaids by the time I left work. Of course, one could attribute this phenomenon to the fact that I bought cheap crappy shoes, and they may not even be the same size.... but I digress....

I also think it's odd that I worked really hard at the gym yesterday, felt great when I went to bed, felt fine all day long, and now that I am sitting here doing absolutely nothing, I feel my arm muscles starting to ache, and my abs throwing a hissy fit every time I breathe. In my head, I tell myself that its ok that I didn't work out today because muscle pain means muscle work which means calories burning which means weight loss. Or something. It's logical though right? Kinda? No? Damn. Whatever. My TRAINER said that the rest days are as important as the work days, so that is what today is. That and we had dinner at the caterer and got things pretty much set for the wedding. And let's face it.... meatballs trump treadmills ANY day. Always.

51 days down...129 to go!

Oh! And a special "hello!!!!" to my blog readers in Canada, Denmark, Guatemala, and Malaysia! Yes! People in all those places are reading my blog! Crazy isn't it!? And of course, hello  and PLEASE KEEP READING SO I WILL KEEP WRITING AND NOT FALL TOO FAR OFF THE WAGON to my US readers! :)
UPDATE: And hello Russia and Iran!