Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 91: Cleaning out my closet

Today I went shopping for new clothes! The best part was, all the clothes were FREE, and the location was within walking distance! It's a little place I like to call "the second bedroom". (you have to admit, that's a pretty good name for a clothing store since MOST women I know have a 2nd bedroom (or closet, garage, basement, etc) of alternate wardrobes...) So yes, the second bedroom. I went in there to get random stuff to bring to Goodwill. I started with the closet, looking in boxes, and bags that I haven't looked in in a year. I found a few things to get rid of, so I moved on. Next was the dresser. I had no idea what I was going to find in there, but something told me to check the drawers for clothes to get rid of. Well! It was like Christmas morning!!!!!! Work pants GALORE. In sizes that actually NEED to be buttoned and zipped, but better yet, CAN be buttoned and zipped! I was SO relieved to find this stuff because a) I am sick and tired of having to safety pin my pants everyday and 2) because the pants are 2 sizes smaller than the ones I have been safety pinning!!!!!!

Now I have 2 completely empty drawers just waiting to be filled...... :) Sadly, I will be filling them with all the pants I have been currently wearing... I KNOW I should get rid of them so I can "never be that size again" but realistically...................... anyway...... that's what will go in those drawers. But tomorrow, I wear the NEW old pants to work! And Friday? My NEW NEW American Eagle size freaking 12 (I found AE 14's in the drawer too... HA!) jeans!

91 days down...89 to go! (I'm on the 2nd half!)

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