Let me apologize AGAIN for being awol... John was home this weekend and instead of being SO distracted by having him home and all the fun we would be having and all the places we would go, I I was sick. all. freaking. weekend. long. I made it to the mall on Saturday afternoon and then promptly had to take a nap. I was up for a few hours, and then had to take a nap. I sat on the couch and watched John eat dinner.... and then had to take a nap. Sunday was more of the same. Bed, couch, couch, bed. Goodnight. Monday I desperate tried to call in sick and not go to work, but APPARENTLY putting in for a sub at 615am wasn't early enough, so I dragged myself in. Today, I am feeling less achy, (and THANKFULLY the really crappy feeling was gone by Monday) but I am still so congested that my "D's" sound like "B's" and I still clearly have a colb......... and about 20 minutes ago, I took Nyquil..... so please forgive me if my words startslurringandblendingfornoparticularreason.......................................
So that's my excuse as to where I have been. Truthfully, nothing has changed. I haven't worked out. I haven't gone back on calories no matter how many times I have said I was going to. I even had pizza and bread sticks (and let me state that I just typed "cread sticks" and looked at it for 30 seconds trying to figure out why the red squiggle was under the word... nyquil people... NYQUIL) so obviously there is no pressing need (except yes there is!) to go back on calories......I KNOW I KNOW! Where is your leader!? Where is the calorie warrior!? Hungry. That's where she is. Hungry and sweating. And I really REALLY like feeding her...... 6lbs. I need 6 (or 8....) more pounds and then I can be in the freaking 150s for the first time in FOREVER and I can happily main THAT instead of THIS. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
100 freaking days down! 100 days!!!! 80 days to go! (WHAT!?!?!?!)
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