Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 88: I'm too sexy for my pants

Have you ever noticed how often I discuss my pants? They are either leaving a red ring of death (which thankfully hasn't happened in a while!), able to pulled off without unzipping or unbuttoning, zippers falling, or new ones entering my closet. Today, I experienced 3 of the 4. Thankfully the good 3. Today I went back to American Eagle to see if the pants I ultimately wanted were on sale yet. They were!!!! YAY! And then the guy said they are being clearanced out! NOOO! But then he reminded me that they were were cheaper AND I could use my coupon! YAY! But then they didn't have my size! NOOO!  But I am wearing a 12!!!! A 12!!!!!!!!! YAY! But I still needed a regular length and all they had was long or short! NOOO! But then I realized that I am shorter than I thought and the "short" length would work fine as long as I don't put them in the dryer! YAY!
So all in all it was a good trip. I actually bought 2 pairs of the same size (12! A FREAKING 12!!!) and style so I have a backup pair. That may have been a little unnecessary, but I have to take precautions in case the jeans really don't come back as "new and improved" in August like I was promised. PROMISED. You know what that means.... it surely wont happen. Ever. SO now I have a backup pair. As long as I stay the same size. God willing. They are still a BIT snug, but I know that going up a size will only lead to "doody (doodie?) butt" within an hour of wearing them, and well, that isn't cute at any age. Especially not this one.

Saturday is the day I try on my wedding dress for the first time since Sept. I'm scared. Part of my issue is that I know I weigh less now than I did when I bought it (yay!) but I don't know if I have done enough. And part of my (ok all of me) really likes eating real food, and right now it is SO easy to say "oh well I weigh less now than I did when I bought it so I can stop doing calories." The other part of me just KNOWS that 20lbs isn't enough, and I have to get to 30..................... Ugh. I wonder which side will win? Angel food cake? or Devil's food cake? Wait.... I mean, ANGEL or DEVIL. dammit.....

88 days down... 92 to go!

1 comment:

  1. hahah i LOVE reading your blogs!! This is cute! Im glad you got your jeans! And uhm, HELLO.. COUPON TOO!? SCORE!! You are beautiful NO MATTER WHAT.. whether you lost 20 pounds.. or -20 pounds. You will look beautiful on your wedding day, don't be so hard on yourself! Id eat the angel food cake.. wait.. don't listen to me.. eat salad? hahha I love food and I can't even do diets! I still get asked if im "expecting" almost 3 years after having ava. I think you are doing awesome! :)
